Apparently not only was it affordable, it could cure me of practically any disease known to man.
Yeah. Right.
You'll have to excuse my flippant tone because... seriously? If that isn't too good to be true, I don't know what is.
Let's face it: When someone comes along raving about a product that claims to be able to cure "any disease known to man," you think "bull$%!t."
That was my exact reaction the first time my friend raved about Pure Reiki Healing.
And for good reason, too.
You see, I've suffered from rashes and eczema since I was a kid, and trust me when I tell ya, it ain't fun. I need to get regular jabs to alleviate the symptoms of my very annoying condition, so not only is it not fun, it's expensive too.
So when I was recommended Pure Reiki Healing - a home study course about Reiki... something I had absolutely the faintest idea of - I scoffed at the mere idea.
How could a simple home study course about something I had never even heard of succeed where modern medicine had failed time and time again?
My friend wouldn't let up about it, insisting that I give it a shot.
So to shut him up, I did.
And to my surprise... it's not half bad.
In order for you to understand why it isn't half bad, you need to first understand what it's all about.
Pure Reiki Healing delves into an Oriental healing art called "Reiki".
According to Owen Coleman - the creator of the program - the original art of Reiki was developed in the 1920s, by a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui.
Reiki makes use of the universal energy force Ki, or Chi, and manifests it for self-healing purposes, or to heal others.
According to the theory of Ki, people fall ill because the Ki is unable to flow smoothly to the different parts of the body, resulting in a blockage that hinders the natural flow of Ki.
Now, for someone pragmatic like myself, you might think that I might scoff at the idea of "energy" and "blockages" having anything to do with physical ailments.
To be honest, I did scoff at the idea.
Initially, at least.
Then I thought, "I already have the program, I've spent my money, why not just try for the heck of it?"
I did give it a try, and I have to admit... I'm glad that I gave Pure Reiki Healing a shot.
For starters, Pure Reiki Healing consists of 3 manuals, videos, Reiki meditation music, and a certification system that you can use to generate your very own certificate once you've completed the home study course.
This program is all about healing, and covers a variety of healing techniques for daily ailments that the common, "average Joe" might suffer from in this day and age.